Type of Amplitude Modulation – choose from 13 types of amplitude modulation – Envelope, Add, Dot product, Determinant, AND, XOR, Cross Product, Chebyshev Poly, Legendre Poly, Shifted Div, Outer Comprss, Inner Fold, and Ref Fold
Modulation strength – the percentage of the bandwidth used for modulation
Enable Envelope sync – enable the envelope sync delay between the oscillator and the modulator
Envelope Sync offset time – time in milliseconds to delay starting the envelope of the modulation oscillator
Enable Frequency modulation
Modulator Number
Type of Frequency modulation – choose from 5 types of frequency modulation – Direct (same as Linear), Relative, Sideband, Sideband 2, Exponential, and Linear
Enable Relative Bandwidth – set the bandwidth using semitones
Enable Envelope sync – enable the envelope sync delay between the oscillator and the modulator
Envelope Sync offset time – time in milliseconds to delay starting the envelope of the modulation oscillator
Absolute Bandwidth in Hz – disabled when Enable Relative Bandwidth is enabled
Bandwidth ratio – relative ratio to the root frequency of the oscillator – enabled when Relative Bandwidth is enabled
Bandwidth semitones – number of semitones relative to the root frequency of the oscillator – enabled when Relative Bandwidth is enabled