Oscallate is a realtime synthesizer and sequencer for Android.
Oscallate has two primary screens. The synthesizer screen, and, the sequencer screen
In the top left corner of both screens is the cpu load indication, the play button, the loop block pattern button, and the stop button. The cpu load also serves as a button to switch between the synthesizer and sequencer screens.
The synthesizer screen shows the parameters of each oscillator that comprise an instrument and the real time output produced by them
The top section has two oscilloscopes (left and right audio channels) and a frequency spectrum display.
Below this is a horizontal panel of various instrument controls.
The middle section shows the parameters for each oscillator.
Along the bottom is a controller for changing the value of a selected parameter. Depending on the parameter, this can be a list of possible choices or an analog slider.
Between the first root oscillator on the left and the additional oscillators on the right, is a granularity snap selector for the analog slider to allow more precise control.
The sequencer screen shows a block pattern comprised of each instrument. Each instrument has a different color.
On the right side, either the block list, the instrument list, or the value controller is shown.
Various editing tools are shown on the left.
And in the middle is the note grid showing a horizontal range of notes on a vertical time scale. Each block has 16 steps or lines (marked along the left) and a cursor indicating the current line. There are 25 notes available and can be customized by setting the desired scale.
On the left side of both screens is a message bar and a slide out menu for accessing song controls, settings, status information, and online help. There are also menu items for switching between the synthesizer and sequencer screens and restarting the audio system (in case of audio issues).