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  4. Scopes and Frequency Spectrum

Scopes and Frequency Spectrum

The sound produced by Oscalate can be monitored in the time domain and frequency domain in the left and right channel oscilloscopes and the frequency spectrum analyzer along the top of the screen.

The vertical zoom of the oscilloscopes can be changed by tapping the scope.

There are six zoom settings to choose from – 1/10, 1/4, 1, 2, 4, and 10. Each tap changes the zoom to the next value. The horizontal range is set to 2048 samples, approximately 46ms at a sampling rate of 44,100 Hz.

The frequency spectrum analyzer (located between the two oscilloscopes) has three formats – logarithmic, linear, and time evolution.

The horizontal scale can also be zoomed by pressing and holding on the graph and dragging down to zoom in and dragging up to zoom out. The graph can be scrolled horizontally by dragging left and right. The time evolution indicates the intensity of the sound at each frequency and advances at a rate of 33 lines per second (at a refresh rate of 60Hz).