By tapping the main panel button again, the second page of main parameters is shown.
- Detune x enable – enable a detune oscillator (there are 6 detune oscillators available)
- Detune x strength – the detune oscillator strength
- Detune x ratio – set the relative frequency ratio of the detune oscillator (relative to the parent oscillator)
- Detune x transpose – set the relative transposition of the detune oscillator, in semi-tone steps
- DC Abs offset enable – enable the absolute value with DC offset modulation
- DC Abs offset amount – set the amount of DC offset for the absolute value with DC offset modulation
- DC Abs Offset modulation enable – enable modulation of the absolute value with DC offset modulation by another oscillator
- DC Abs Offset modulator – set the oscillator for modulating the absolute value with DC offset
- DC Abs Offset modulator strength– set the strength for modulating the absolute value with DC offset
- DC offset enable – enable a DC offset for the oscillator
- DC Offset amount – set the amount of DC offset
- DC Offset Normalized – enable normalizing the output of the DC offset to a range of -1 to +1
- Duty cycle amount – set the duty cycle (percentage of cycle time in first half of waveform)
- Duty cycle modulation enable – enable modulation of the duty cycle
- Duty cycle modulator – the oscillator for modulating the duty cycle
- Duty cycle modulation strength – the strength of the duty cycle modulation